There are several ways to participate in this project.
Obviously, if you are a male Beatty and would like to submit a DNA sample, you can order a kit as described below.
If you are researching a Beatty lineage and wish to employ genetics to expand your knowledge of that lineage, you can search for a male Beatty in that lineage who will agree to testing. In some cases, that person might not be willing to pay the cost of the test. Since the test results often benefit the researcher more than the male submitting the sample, researchers have funded the cost of the sample on behalf of the person submitting the sample. In some cases, several researchers have pooled their resources to pay the cost. This can be an effective strategy if the person sampled is carefully selected. The results can prove very useful to the researchers.
To help persuade persons of the value of DNA testing, we have drafted an Open Letter to Prospective Participant. You are free to print this letter and use it when contacting people from whom you would like to obtain a DNA sample. Feel free to modify the letter to fit your needs.
A third way to participate is by joining our discussion group called GenMatch and engaging in the discussions about this project and the test results. There is plenty of opportunity to learn more about genetics in genealogy and to expand our understanding of this field. To see the archives of these discussions, group files, etc., go to:
and join. The join process will require that you set up a Yahoo ID and Password.
If you only want to send and receive email messages posted to the group, you can send a blank e mail to:
You will receive a confirmation message from Yahoo. Just reply to this message, and your subscription request will be complete.
There is no cost to join.
Getting a Kit
The tests for the Beatty DNA Project are done by Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) of Houston, Texas. They have a large number of registered Surname Groups that receive some special data handling and a discount price. Our Beatty Group is one of these.
To join the Beatty Surname Group and get the group discount, just click the Contact Us link above and tell us you would like to join. We will direct you to a special web page where you can fill out a form giving your name and address. Completion of the form will result in a kit being sent to the designated address.
The kit for collecting the DNA sample includes two swabs for collecting a few cells from the subject's inside cheek. The collection is quick and painless. Two swabs are used because of the possibility that one will be somehow spoiled.
Follow the instructions for obtaining the sample, place the vial in the self-addressed envelope, and drop the envelope in the mail. After the kit is returned to FTDNA, it normally takes about six weeks to complete the laboratory analysis and report the results. When the test has been completed you will receive an e-mail, and your results will be available on your personal password-protected web page at FTDNA.
Which Kit to Buy
Five versions of Y-chromosome tests are offered, as follows:
12-Marker Test $ 99.00 25-Marker Test $ 124.00 37-Marker Test $ 149.00 67-Marker Test $ 238.00 111-Marker Test $ 339.00
There is a small additional charge for shipping the kit.
We do not recommend the 12-marker test. Twelve markers are not really useful in distinguishing one Beatty lineage from another.
We recommend at least the Y-DNA25 test. The 37-marker test contains more information, but it also costs more. And, a 25-marker test can be upgraded to a 37-marker test later without the need to submit another sample. Within our project the 37-marker test is providing more definitive information for distinguishing one Beatty lineage from another. And finding relationships between Beatty lineages is the primary goal of our project. So, in the long run, the 37-marker test is probably more helpful. Of course, that test can be upgraded further to the 67-marker test (or 111-marker), but we don’t recommend that at first.
Just click the Contact Us link above, and we will respond to your questions as soon as possible.
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