Table I is a straightforward record of the values (alleles) determined by the laboratory for each sample submitted by a participant. Columns are provided for the values of 67 markers. The laboratory we use is now offering tests at 111 markers, but so few participants have upgraded to 111 markers that we are showing results for only the first 67 in this table, and in Table II.
Although a few participants have data for only 12 markers, most have data for at least 25 markers. Many participants have upgraded their tests to include 37 markers, and some of those have obtained an expansion of the analysis of their DNA samples to 67 markers.
Three participants, IDs 85, 86, and 87, were tested for 28 markers by a different company than used for most of our tests. Although the results are comparable for individual markers, the pattern of their haplotype (the set of markers involved) is somewhat different. Several other participants have obtained test results from both companies.
The ID numbers in the first column are simply numbers assigned sequentially to samples as they are submitted for testing. Using these ID numbers preserves the privacy of the participants.
The second column (labeled "Line") is the BP-2000 lineage number of the lineage which each participant represents. Abstracts of these lineages are available on the BP-2000 website. There are some blanks in this column. Some participants do not have their lineages recorded on BP-2000. Of course, one does not need to have a BP-2000 lineage number to participate in our DNA Project. However, it is helpful to all Beatty researchers if these lineages are 'registered' with BP-2000.
The remaining columns contain the DYS labels (e.g., DYS-393) that are the international designations for the markers. Some of the marker labels are in red in accordance with the laboratory practice. This designates markers that have been found to mutate more rapidly than the others. The set of values (alleles) for each participant is referred to as that participant's "haplotype."
Generally speaking, a single haplotype is meaningless, i.e., it is just a set of numbers. It is only when one haplotype is compared with one or more others that meaning begins to emerge. Such comparisons address the relationships between and among participants, and hence lineages. Those relationships are the subject of Table II.